You ever get that feeling when you wake up on a weekday, and you think, 'Oh great, another day of work'? No excitement, no expectation that it will be any different than the last time you went to work, it's just your average day. You get out of bed and go through your daily routine and motions. Everything is so familiar that you don't even notice the people walking by you, the stores that you pass, the trees starting to bud, the color of the sky, the chirping of the birds. One of my colleagues mentioned to me recently that in the morning she doesn't even remember how she got to work. She's so programmed in her daily routine that once she sits down at her desk, she has no recollection of her commute at all.
So many of us are guilty of this. We take it for granted that we wake up the next morning, and that everything in us and around us are functioning 'as they should'. In reality, there is nothing average or typical about ANY day that we have to live. I recently started reading a book, and in it, the author tells the reader to 'just stop and think'. It is a daily miracle and absolutely amazing that we are standing on a giant ball called Earth, the only planet in the entire known universe to have life, spinning at a perfect speed at a perfect distance from a larger ball of gas that gives off light and warmth that sustains life on Earth without burning us into crisps. Just that in and of itself should put things into perspective - that it's not JUST another day of routine life. God has chosen to give us life, and put all the intricate details around us just for our enjoyment. I went to the Body Exhibit last week, and it reminded me of how complex the human body is and how it's so illogical for anyone to say that we were made 'by chance'. Every single vertebrae, nerve ending, organ, cell, has a purpose and they all have to work together and function in order for us to live. Nothing except an all-powerful, all-loving God could have created us and all the beautiful things around us.
It's important to remember, especially when things start getting routine and we feel like we're just going through the motions, to just slow down and really see, hear, think, appreciate, be thankful for all the things that we take for granted. Look at the people who pass by you. Notice the stars and the moon in the night sky. Close your eyes and feel the breeze or the warmth of the sun on your skin. Smile at the person who gets on the elevator. Notice the nice gentleman who just helped a lady with the baby carriage. If you miss the train, who cares. Let the people run past you, take your time and enjoy the moment. God's love is all around us, it CAN be seen in the things He created. Don't let a day go by without seeing His awesome love. Don't miss out on life.