After we stuffed ourselves with hotpot, we went downstairs to play ping pong, well I mostly watched cuz I stink at it. Then we had some time of worship and fellowship, ate some dessert. It was really amazing because my headache was still there during dinner, but somewhere during worship I think it went away and awhile later I realized that it was gone! A lot of times I feel like we just get together to play games and hang out, and there's nothing wrong with that of course, but it's refreshing and encouraging to have a time of corporate worship and fellowship, and getting to know one another on a deeper level.
Getting ready for praise and worship
Mike and Gerald are so funny together, they were roommates in college so they go WAY back
I learned a new feature on my camera. They were telling me that you can choose to have certain colors show up in black and white pictures. This was their proof. Interesting huh?
has your shirt been drinking?
Yay! I didn't realize you had a blog--I'm going to read it all the time now :)
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