Monday, August 31, 2009


How many times do we say hi and make small talk with the same person but never taking the time to really get to know him or her, ask deeper questions, see if there's anything that they need?

How many times do we walk past people who look like they need help, thinking we are too busy and don't have the time to stop, or that someone else will help them?

I've been so exhausted these past few weeks trying to juggle work, church, meetings in preparation for gospel camp labor day weekend, helping people with requests, spending time with friends, family, boyfriend. On certain days, I'm so stressed and caught up in things I have to do that I can't even think about other people. I think God has recently been reminding me that we need to look around and make ourselves available to those in need, whether it's someone we know or a stranger. This past Sunday at church, I had 30 minutes to eat lunch, chat with moms, friends, acquaintances, finish helping a sister with a document, find all the girls that I was going to take out for ice cream after church. How am I supposed to have fellowship if I give each person 2 minutes then have to run and talk to someone else? I look around the church and realize that everyone always talks to the same people, about the same superficial topics. When are we going to realize that there are other people besides our small circle, that we should be willing to take the time to reach out to someone we don't already know? It amazes me that we can see the same people every week but know nothing about them, and not really caring because we're so busy with our own lives.

Last week, I saw two girls crying on separate occasions, strangers whom I didn't know. I thought about going over and just asking if they're okay, but thought that they probably didn't want to be bothered and I'd be intrusive. If I don't even do anything about the opportunities that I actually SEE, I seriously wonder how many opportunities I just let go by because I'm so absorbed in my little world.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. There is so much need in this world. We need to do our share of the work instead of just waiting for someone else to pick up the slack. How can we as Christians receive so much undeserved love from our Father and not want to share it with as many people as possible? Love someone - make yourself available to them, not just when it's convenient or with the bare minimum, give abundantly and freely without expectation - love someone with the love you have been shown through Christ.

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