My cousin Jolly picked me up at the airport, and gave me a driving tour of the city. We got out at certain points to take pictures and walk around. I was informed that prior to my arrival, it had rained every day for over a week! What perfect timing :) San Francisco is an amazingly beautiful city, and completely different from NYC. It's a lot more open, spread out and scenic. The architecture is much newer and buildings have brighter and lighter colors. Because the city is so hilly, there are great views of the city everywhere you look. Some of the hills are so steep and long that it felt like we were on a roller coaster, the slow and scary part during the beginning of the ride. The worst is when you have to stop right before you get to the top of the hill because there's a red light or a stop sign. I don't think I could ever drive in San Francisco, haha. We accidentally came across an Italian restaurant called Il Fornaio where we stopped for lunch. I had butternut squash ravioli for the first time, it was delicious!
View from the top of the hill on Lombard Street, known for a very winding section with eight sharp turns

Many hills are so steep that you have to park perpendicular to the street!

The winding section of Lombard Street, I couldn't believe that people actually live here! It's a one-way street down the hill, and many tourists drive down it. We even saw a few motorcyclists attempt it.

I love the houses here, they are so cute and colorful!

Palace of Fine Arts, where scenes from the movie 'The Rock' was filmed

Walking on the Golden Gate Bridge, it was so windy and cold!

View of the Bay from the Golden Gate Bridge
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