I got to hang out with Julien the first day since our relatives from Taiwan didn't arrive until the following evening. We walked to the supermarket, got coffee and groceries for making waffles, watched movies, it was great!

The boys bonding over a soccer video game

Mom helping Aunt Mary with Chinese New Year Dinner

Family pic!

Eating at a diner on our way to Vegas! Look at all the yummy, greasy food!

Je-ling looking sad because he had a stomach virus and we ordered him the most plain thing on the menu - one large pancake and toast, hahaha

The hotel we stayed at in Vegas

Waking up at 4:45am to get on a bus to the Grand Canyon

Passed by Hoover Dam on the way to the Canyon

Getting back on the bus - Kenny was a great driver

The Skywalk! It is SO scary to walk on it!

Eagle picture on the skywalk

My cousin Happy - she really is happy all the time, and crazy and fearless!
The part we were sitting on was not transparent so I felt more comfortable walking on it. Walking on the transparent glass was unbelievable, I couldn't even look down when I did.

We are such graceful eaters

We were the life of the party during lunch at the Canyon. We started taking pictures with the guy singing on stage and dancing around the tables. It was awesome.

Last night in Vegas

Je-Ling happy because he can have fries now. Yummy!

We took pictures everywhere. Literally. Anytime we have a spare minute waiting for something, we started posing and taking pictures. If anyone offers to take pictures FOR us, they end up with 5 or 6 cameras in their hands. It was pretty funny, and difficult to get around because we were stuck taking pictures for so long.

We tried this picture so many times and I still couldn't get it right

Aunt Christine being silly

Aunt Kay and her son Je-Ling (Lawrence / formerly Martin / formerly John)

I LOVE Jack in the Box

We even had a blast at Costco! Our family is so much fun

Moving our luggage so we can all sleep in the same house on our last night together (we were all spread out in 3 different houses, Uncle Peter's house was like the main cabin for meals)

Family church

Taking my cousins shopping - we were on the search for Timberlands, Twizzlers and chocolates

At our family reunion / grandparents' 60th anniversary / Uncle Peter's 60th birthday celebration

Ghetto fob

Is Julien actually smiling?

Yeah, there were too many things to celebrate - the poor cake decorator

Uncle Peter opening up his birthday gifts - the best was fish oil and vitamins

Making breakfast for the relatives from Taiwan before they depart for the airport

The waffle maker got some good use this week!

Everyone waving good-bye until the van turned the corner. It was a sad moment. Aunt Christine started a chain reaction of tears as we hugged and said good-bye. I think we all had an amazing time together and will treasure this reunion always!

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