Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's Official!

... I am a bit hesitant to post this since I am usually very cautious when it comes to these things ... but I feel that I should because this blog is about my life, and since it's a fairly significant change in my life, a short post before I hop on a plane to Hong Kong for Tiffany's wedding and then to Thailand for a week with girlfriends is probably appropriate :)

SO .... I am officially in a relationship .... with a boy (yes, you read correctly). I am still a bit in shock myself actually, I don't think it has fully sunk in yet. I guess it's because it all happened very gradually over a year-long friendship, during which I knew very clearly in my head that we were not together. I suppose it takes some time to switch gears and allow my mind to adjust to the idea. Although I am still somewhat cautious, I cannot deny in my heart that I am at peace and optimistic about our decision to take this step, and that I am really happy, giddy and excited about the future :) That's all I'll say about it for now, but I'll share more when I get back from my trip. I will need another week of vacation to catch up on sleep and upload pictures and blog, haha! It's going to be a very full vacation. Time to get an hour or two of sleep before I have to head to the airport!


Jaly said...

I KNEW IT!!!!!

I was gonna email u and ask.. but decided against it.. figure when u r ready to annouce it u would...

what was the clue? u were doing a lot of 'things' that no single girl would be doing unless she's on a date...

Happy for ya... hopefully one day i'll get to meet this lucky gentleman :)

Sia said...
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Sia said...

UM, why am I reading this on your blog!?!? The beginning part about being cautious is soo you, lol. I, being the responsible sister (haha how the years have changed us) let the rest of the FAM know...

I'm so happy for your giddyness - and I can't wait for you to get back from your Hong Kong/Thailand trip so I can hear all the juicy details...

Gina Ferrara said...

Theresa, Have an awesome trip! Looking forward to your pics...and to hearing more about this new "relationship" :)