The weekend before Christmas 2008, David (our leader at church) invited us over to his beautiful home for a potluck dinner and white elephant gift exchange.
Andy being a gentleman (or just posing for the camera) and pouring tea for the girls
The boys chatting and catching up before dinner starts
Look at all that 'healthy' food!
We had SO much leftover .....
Gloria, Sherry and Alan are happy with the selection
The line for food - yum, can't wait!
Now that we're stuffed - let's open presents! David explains the rules of the game to us - we roll the dice to if we get to open presents. We each brought a real gift and a silly gift, so each person opens 2 presents. And we get to steal other people's presents if we don't want to open new ones. Then at the end there is a lightening round where after all the presents are opened - you roll the dice and if you get a certain number, you get to force a trade with someone. So presents were just flying all over the place! It was hilarious.
Mike: what is this?!
Mike: oh, they're chopsticks! yaaaaay!
Both of Terence's gifts were Ramen - he was so happy!
Jon: what are these things?! (they're candles)
Alan opens a fancy 'engagement egg' ... haha
I got an organic bag ... booooooo. Then I got a fake cockroach in a box, hahaha!
Danny had no idea what his gift was - good thing someone 'stole' it from him, he couldn't even read the Chinese chess pieces. LOL.
Brian stole the scarf from Gloria - look how proud he is!
A box of plastic dental supplies??!! Eww ....
Gerald got a can of Raid (I actually brought it haha) - perfect, now he can get rid of my roach!
Enchanted Fashions??!!
David stole the scarf from Brian, lol, awww, poor thing
Who can say no to food soap?
Jesus fish wind chimes
Everyone looking at the dice during the lightening round
Singing Christmas carols
Dessert time!
Caren cutting her special homemade apple cake
David happy with the gift we got him - a digital picture frame - it's sitting on his bookshelf in the living room now :)
What an amazing evening of fun, laughter, food and fellowship with great friends! I love Christmas time :)
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