We were trying to decide what to do before dinner, it was only 5pm. Then I remembered that when my cousin from Taiwan was visiting a few years ago, I spontaneously made us jump into a cab and headed towards the Hudson River to see the sunset. I was so disappointed when we got there and saw that it was cloudy and the sun was nowhere to be seen. Seeing that it was another beautiful sunny day, I asked Boey if he wanted to see the river and a view of NJ. I'm glad he wasn't looking for a real tour guide cuz I took him to none of the touristy places. He was up for it so we walked towards the river. When we got to the pier, we sat in the shade and rested for a bit because the sun was so bright and hot. There were some people there, jogging or walking their dogs, but it wasn't crowded, so we got to relax and do some people watching. We then found a bench by the dock where the ferries come in, so we sat there, enjoyed the view and talked. We didn't plan on staying that long, but it was such a beautiful view and the weather was absolutely perfect, that we ended up staying until the sun set behind NJ. It was the first time I had ever watched the sunset in NYC. I thought to myself, this has got to be the most romantic un-romantic thing I have ever done.
I like the pictures that Boey took. They have an interesting artistic twist to it.
No one's ever told me to not look at the camera while they took a picture of me
I offered to take a picture of Boey, but he doesn't seem to want be in his own pictures, so I guess this was the compromise ....
There were a lot of helicopters flying around
I like the silhouette effect here
A great sign that Boey noticed. He is very observant.
The next day, I had to be in the city anyway for an event that my sister invited me to, so I came in a few hours earlier to hang out with Boey since he was leaving the following day. Again with no real agenda, we ended up walking from Port Authority to the East Village. It was another beautiful day, and it was wonderful to see the neighborhoods change as we walked. It's just been so long since I've walked around that much in the city, because I used to always have a schedule to keep. We pretty much walked aimlessly once we got to the village, turning onto quiet narrow streets with no traffic and just exploring the area. Boey took a lot of pictures with his professional camera but I don't them yet. Again, I never realized how beautiful some of the streets are! We got hungry and decided to sit down outside at a Mexican restaurant for a snack. We ordered some chips and guacamole and fish tacos. Yum. I ordered a pineapple margarita and it was tasty but I just made the observation that it tasted like juice. So when the waiter came back and asked if we wanted another one, Boey thought it'd be funny to tell the waiter that I thought mine was too weak. The waiter kind of chuckled and asked if I'd like a stronger margarita. I am laughing at this point, and I said sure. Boey goes to the waiter, 'C'mon, help me out here'. I could not believe he said that. The waiter laughed and said he'll make the drink extra strong. Yeah, we agreed that I cannot go back there again. But it was hilarious.
I was very pleasantly surprised to have enjoyed hanging out with Jessica's friend so much. I really had fun and laughed a lot. And what do you know, we still talk. I feel like I know Jessica better now because I know Boey. I also think because of the time we spent in the city, I have a greater appreciation for it and am looking forward to spending more quality time in the city and truly enjoying it. Thanks Jessica for sharing your friend :) Thanks Boey for the fun and laughter in NYC :)
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